Durango Christian Church Sunday Bulletin
Are You New?
We are honored that you have chosen to worship with us today. We invite you to relax and enjoy the worship service.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a greeter or usher. Our elders will also be available after each service to visit with you, and to answer any questions you may have.
Communion, offering and baptism
It is our practice to observe the Lord’s Supper (Communion) each Lord’s Day. The bread and juice that is distributed during the service is a reminder of Christ’s body and blood offered up on the Cross as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus himself instituted this act of worship and commanded that we do this in remembrance of him whenever we come together.
Every Sunday we include an offering as a component of our worship. This ministry operates completely out of the generosity of its members. If you are a guest today, please do not feel pressure or obligated to give.
We practice baptism by immersion and you may see a baptism today. Baptism is a picture of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. It is a way for us to identify with Him as followers. Please let us know if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a baptism.
Nursery & Children’s Church
We offer nursery care for infants and toddlers. Our nursery is open 15 minutes before the beginning of each service to give you adequate time to check your children in and meet the nursery workers.
For pre-schoolers and elementary age students we have a Children’s church that will begin about 30 minutes into the service. When it is time, children will be dismissed and escorted to Children’s Church.
Need To connect?
You are welcome to connect to our public wifi. Look for The DCC Guest and use the password “Jesussaves”.
Church info at your fingertips
You can use our special interactive text messaging system to access all kinds of information and to communicate with ministry leaders as simply as sending a text message. Send any of the text keywords below to our church number (970) 247-1929 and our system will respond immediately.
Getting started at DCC Part of our mission is to help you make progress on your personal spiritual journey of following Jesus. As a first step, we have developed a class for both newcomers and those interested in making DCC their church home - we call this BASECAMP. If you would like to learn more about Durango Christian Church, lean how to get involved and how to grow here, you can register for our next class with you Connection Card or by texting BASE to (970) 247-1929.
Call Anytime
We would love to hear from you or help you to connect with any staff member or elder. Just call our office at (970) 247-1929 - we can't wait to hear from you!
Free Bibles
If you do not have a Bible for yourself or would like to receive a Bible for a friend, we would love to give you a free Bible. Our pastor will be available immediately after the service near the platform. Just let him know that you would like a Bible and he will make sure you receive one!
We are honored that you have chosen to worship with us today. We invite you to relax and enjoy the worship service.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask a greeter or usher. Our elders will also be available after each service to visit with you, and to answer any questions you may have.
Communion, offering and baptism
It is our practice to observe the Lord’s Supper (Communion) each Lord’s Day. The bread and juice that is distributed during the service is a reminder of Christ’s body and blood offered up on the Cross as a sacrifice for sin. Jesus himself instituted this act of worship and commanded that we do this in remembrance of him whenever we come together.
Every Sunday we include an offering as a component of our worship. This ministry operates completely out of the generosity of its members. If you are a guest today, please do not feel pressure or obligated to give.
We practice baptism by immersion and you may see a baptism today. Baptism is a picture of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. It is a way for us to identify with Him as followers. Please let us know if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a baptism.
Nursery & Children’s Church
We offer nursery care for infants and toddlers. Our nursery is open 15 minutes before the beginning of each service to give you adequate time to check your children in and meet the nursery workers.
For pre-schoolers and elementary age students we have a Children’s church that will begin about 30 minutes into the service. When it is time, children will be dismissed and escorted to Children’s Church.
Need To connect?
You are welcome to connect to our public wifi. Look for The DCC Guest and use the password “Jesussaves”.
Church info at your fingertips
You can use our special interactive text messaging system to access all kinds of information and to communicate with ministry leaders as simply as sending a text message. Send any of the text keywords below to our church number (970) 247-1929 and our system will respond immediately.
- CARD - To fill out a digital Connection Card (especially for 1st time guests).
- PRAY - To communicate a prayer need to our elders and prayer team.
- EVENTS - To receive a list of events and groups open for registration.
- ME - To view, add, and update your information.
- GIVE - To give to DCC today or set up recurring giving.
- HELP - To receive a list of keywords for Text-To-Church.
- TEAMS: Get involved with one of our ministry teams.
Getting started at DCC Part of our mission is to help you make progress on your personal spiritual journey of following Jesus. As a first step, we have developed a class for both newcomers and those interested in making DCC their church home - we call this BASECAMP. If you would like to learn more about Durango Christian Church, lean how to get involved and how to grow here, you can register for our next class with you Connection Card or by texting BASE to (970) 247-1929.
Call Anytime
We would love to hear from you or help you to connect with any staff member or elder. Just call our office at (970) 247-1929 - we can't wait to hear from you!
Free Bibles
If you do not have a Bible for yourself or would like to receive a Bible for a friend, we would love to give you a free Bible. Our pastor will be available immediately after the service near the platform. Just let him know that you would like a Bible and he will make sure you receive one!